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Mohamed Shariff  - HEAD CHEF


My name is Mohamed Shariff.  I was born and raised in Delhi, India and came to America to exploit my passion as a chef. I developed this Indian Cuisine to allow you the opportunity to explore the wonder flavors and spices that originated from Delhi, India. I come from a very long line of chefs, Five generations to be exact.  Cooking is one of the talents and have been continuing my passion for cooking for almost 30 years.


My family is one of my biggest inspirations that give me motivation each and every day to work harder and do better.  I hope to open up many chains across New York City and other parts of the world, and give you some of the most delicious flavors of India. 



My Name is Rukhsar Mohammed. Daughter of Mohammed Shariff, as well as General Manager at Mughal Durbar. I was born and raised In New York City. I just like my father come from a family of chefs. My main goal is to help my father run this business well, and give customers the chance to have a taste of our family owned business and a chance to come and try our delicious Indian Cuisine. 



Amir Mohammed, Son of Mohammed Shariff, As as well Restaurant Manager at Mughal Darbar. I was also born and raised in New York City. The restaurant business has been in the family over five generations, and we are currently working on presenting our customers with our different flavors and dishes of Indian Cuisine. Hoping to open many more chains in the industry, and throughout the world. 



Our team is small but it works for Mughal Darbar. This restaurant is run by:


Head Chef & Owner: Mohamed Shariff

Sous-Chef: Preet Singh

 Wife & Co-owner: Shabana Begum

General Manager & Daughter:  

Rukhsar Mohamed

 Assistant Mangers & Son & Daughter: Amir and Absar Mohammed  


This is a family business and try our very best to make our customers feel like home.



Phone:  (718)831-9000



We're open 7 days a week 

11:30 AM to 10:30 PM

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